The complete Critics Week lineup follows:
Feature films
“Armadillo,” directed by Janus Metz (Denmark)
“Bedevilled,” directed by Cheol So Jang (South Korea)
“Belle épine,” directed by Rebecca Zlotowski (France)
“Bi, dung so !,” directed by Phan Dang Di (Vietnam - France - Germany)
“The Myth of the American Sleepover,” directed by David Robert Mitchell (U.S.A.)
“Sandcastle,” directed by Boo Junfeng (Singapore)
“Sound of Noise,” directed by Ola Simonsson & Johannes Stjärne Nilsson (Sweden - France)
Short Films
“A distração de Ivan,” directed by Cavi Borges & Gustavo Melo (Brazil)
“Berik,” directed by Daniel Joseph Borgman (Denmark)
“The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Lion,” directed by Alois Di Leo (U.K.)
“Deeper Than Yesterday,” directed by Ariel Kleiman (Australia)
“Love Patate,” directed by Gilles Cuvelier (France)
“Native Son,” directed by Scott Graham (U.K.)
“Vasco,” directed by Sébastien Laudenbach (France)
Special Screenings:
Opening: Feature
“Le Nom des gens,” directed by Michel Leclerc (France)
“Copacabana,” directed by Marc Fitoussi (France)
“Rubber,” directed by Quentin Dupieux (France)
“L’Amour-propre,” directed by Nicolas Silhol (France)
“Cynthia todavía tienes las llaves,” directed by Gonzalo Tobal (Argentina)
“Fracture,” directed by Nicolas Sarkissian (France)
1 comentario:
A.O. Scott y Michael Phillips analizan El secreto de sus ojos (The secret in their eyes)... ya de por si, comparan fisicamente a Darín con Al Pacino...
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