
Harlem Shakes - Technicolor Health (2009)


Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Band Members: Lexy Benaim (lead vocals), Todd Goldstein (guitar, vocals), Brent Katz (drums, drum machine, vocals), Jose Soegaard (bass, vocals), Kendrick Strauch (keyboards, vocals)
Album: Technicolor Health
For Fans Of: Vampire Weekend, White Rabbits, The Shins

“Maybe it’s just like a personal delusion, [but] I feel like I relate to, say, Akon, more than I do Death Cab for Cutie,” quips Harlem Shakes lead singer Lexy Benaim. “I think the guitarist in my band would cut me with a knife if he heard me say that.” Though auto-tuned club hits didn't inform the band's effervescent debut LP, Technicolor Health, as much as classic rock and Latin radio, Randy Newman and Santana, Harlem Shakes are hell-bent on achieving that same sort of social quality as they carve out their niche in the vast landscape of pop music. PASTE

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